What exactly is a Vietnam Veteran? By definition, a Vietnam Veteran describes someone who served in the Vietnam War.
Why is a Vietnam Vet so important?
"Many Veterans still have nightmares of their experiences today. In addition, approximately 30% of the homeless are Veterans."
That is why your donation is so important. One of the emerging types of donations Vietnam Veterans are accepting is car donations. Donating your car is easy online. Simply fill out an online form and the organization will schedule a free tow of your vehicle. Your vehicle can be picked up in 24-48 hours. The main benefits of donating your car to Veterans are:
- Proceeds go to Vietnam Veterans.
- Donor receives IRS tax deduction.
- Your car is then sold to someone in need. Some people have no method of transportation to work.
- Helps the environment. Instead of giving your car to a junkyard, donate you car to someone in need. Charities accept running and non-running vehicles.
- Avoid the hassle of selling your car. In some cases, your tax deduction can be worth more than your car's selling price.
Donating your old car or truck will benefit everyone involved.
Donate your car online
We accept all types of vehicles. Including vans, trucks, conversion vans, boats, motorcycles and buses. After donating your car, you will receive a tax deductible receipt so you can add the deduction to your tax return.
Vietnam Veterans of America-Illinois State Council
A post of articlebase, written by Car Donations and guess by Shaheen Institute
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