Now, smaller non-profit organizations can accept stock donations onlinewithout worrying about the procedures involved. Stock Donator has now created a level playing field for smaller as well as longer non-profit organizations by making the process simple and online. Hence, the smaller organizations can also receive donations online having no concerns about opening a brokerage account, checking that account, account maintenance fees, as well as without worrying about how to account for donation receipts.
Here is a web-enabled channel, to receive stock donations, provided by the Stock Donators. The donation can be initiated from stockdonator.com, or from a provided link on your website.
Stock Donator picks up the donation done through Stock Donator and informs you about when the donation has been received and disbursed as per your instructions. Stock Donator is the organization that has madestock donations fast, simple, and secure providing web enabled donation services to various organizations in order to receive stock donations online from the donor community.
What we believe regarding donations is that they are an imperative part of our society which help us offer something substantial to the social fabric of our country and to those who are is desperate need of resources. Hence, while developing a solution that brings donors and organizations on the same platform, we endeavour to enable non-profit organizations to get the required funding they need to continue doing the good work they are doing.
Our realization of the fact that there is no easy way to make stock donations to non-profit organizations gave birth to the idea of Stock Donator. The documentation formalities, follow-ups, and limited transparency in making a stock donation were making donations a frustrating task for both, donors and organizations. Hence, we came up with online stock donations, so that organizations can receive donations online, and can accept stock donations online.
A free account is the key benefit at Stock Donator. You can open a free account at Stock Donators and can accept stock donations online from day one.We facilitate your donations with an advantage, wherein they can donate directly from your website. We offer you the HTML code, which you can plug into your website. Using this, your donators can make donations directly from your website. Moreover, you don't need to worry about any of the paperwork for the donations. Right from the receipts to year end statements, everything is taken care of by Stock Donator.
A post of articlebase, written by Stockdonator and guess by Shaheen Institute
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